This photo is my very favourite one of Paul Johnson and I.
It takes a strong and special person to work with me and I have been extremely lucky with all of my “morning men” and their willingness to put up with my sudden and spontaneous crap. ???? I rely on them heavily as safety nets, to keep us on time, and to keep me grounded when I have an idea that can go in 50 different directions.
Outside of my family and Otis, this relationship is THE MOST IMPORTANT one for me in my day to day life. Early on in my career working on team shows I learned that whatever the mood is OFF the air will inevitably go ON the air. It’s important that this relationship is open, honest and caring at all times. It is the epitome of a “work husband/wife” scenario. It is extremely important to me that I work with people who also understand this.
Even before I got here, PJ sent me this text message:
“I want you to know that the second you arrive, we’re family. My fam is your fam. If you need or want to come over for dinner every night for a while, we’re here. If you and I need to go for coffee or lunch every day after the show forever ..we’ll go. Exciting times ahead and I want you to know that when you get here – you’ve got us – like it or not!”
Still today, it remains true. I still go for dinner. We still go for breakfast. His family is my family. As I was struggling to get my Country 106.7 jersey on over my 3 coats at the parade today, he fixed my collar and said “what is going on with you?!” ????
It’s a great question…but once again he fixed everything and this is how I know he’s “the one.”????
You’re listening to the Robin and PJ show. ??
Filed under: robinsjournal