So there is a ton of people talking both positively and negatively about this is the Sault.
The Bay street corridor, is being shrunk to two lanes, going in the same one way direction.
One of my long weekend events was strolling here in the Sault , as I always do, and I have seen this work in progress. It is beginning to take shape and the street will be finished soon!
SO, how will it function, practically , to you?
Your thoughts here and on our Facebook page, where I will be posting the story, as well.

We chat ‘Hurricane Dorian,’which stalled over The Bahamas this past weekend, continually pounding the Island, leaving a wake of death and destruction in it’s path. Never before, has the eye of a Hurricane, hit the Bahamas, square on.
It is set to braze the Florida Eastern coast, tonight, into tomorrow as a Cat 3.