NPI Experience North 2017

Supplied by the Northern Policy Institute…
June 6th, 2017 – In partnership with supporting organizations across the region, NPI is pleased to welcome seven new summer placements to our growing team, in the communities of Kenora, Thunder Bay and Sault Ste. Marie.

This summer marks the fourth year of Experience North, Northern Policy Institute’s summer placement program that builds capacity through experience, as individuals from across Canada learn first-hand about the cut and thrust of public policy debate leading to the development of sustainable communities in Northern Ontario.

Of the twenty-eight placements to date, eight have returned to NPI in some capacity longer term, many have gone on to work in the federal and provincial public service, and others have found roles in organizations committed to supporting local growth in Northern Ontario.

“Not only does Experience North provide unique learning experiences that have proven to build capacity in Northern Ontario, placements in the program provide their diverse perspectives and fresh ideas on how to support the growth of sustainable northern communities.” said Charles Cirtwill, NPI President & CEO.

Placement roles range from policy to public relations, all with a focus on Northern Policy’s Institute’s mission to engage local communities and provide evidence-based analysis for effective decision making. Topics of research include water quality issues in First Nations communities, comparative EI between regions, urban reserves, cap and trade vs. carbon tax, and NPI’s Northern Attraction project, among others.

Northern Policy Institute is pleased to announce the addition of the following summer placements to the team:

Andrew Ault – Public Relations (Thunder Bay)
James Barsby – Policy (Thunder Bay)
Katie Burley – Communications (Sault Ste. Marie)
Jenna Kirker – Public Relations (Thunder Bay)
Winter Lipscombe – Policy (Kenora)
Eric Melillo – Policy (Kenora)
Hannah Rowswell – Communications (Sault Ste. Marie)

Work spaces were secured through partnerships with Sault Ste. Marie’s NORDIK Institute at Algoma University, Lakehead University in Thunder Bay and Kenora campus of Confederation College. The Institute gratefully acknowledges this in-kind support, and encourages organizations and communities in all parts of the region who are interested in working with NPI to host a summer placement to contact us at

Get to know Experience North through the eyes of past students by watching a video HERE. And for more information on Experience North, visit

This program is proudly supported by Canada Summer Jobs and Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation.