This event is fast approaching folks! What a great day and night of music in celebration of Mike Case and his musical legacy, left in the Soo and area.

Visit our web site for all info on tickets and line up of terrific musical guests.
Mike was not only my best friend, friend to many, but a fabulous Father!
Next to my dad, my Idol, Mike is a close second as far as how he raised his son and daughter to be the best they can be.
Did you know, according to our survey, dad does a lot of stuff around the house these days.
Time’s they are a changing, I feel for the better. You are way more efficient as a team right?

Super Dad

A survey by Netmums reveals that dads spend 21 hours a week helping around the house. Other findings:

– by the time a child turns 18, their father is owed more than $468,000 for unpaid work. This includes chauffeuring, cooking and coaching, among other things

– 90% of dads think it is their job to be the family breadwinner

– 25% of dads are worried about having love handles and beer bellies

– 75% of women say it is more important for men to give the family love and attention than to have washboard abs